In case of any Payment Error, due to any network communication/connectivity problems, if your payment receipt does not get generated and the amount has been debited from your account, please contact our technical helpline no or send a WhatsApp message to 9706088827 within 6 hours from the time of transaction mentioning your name, mobile no, date and time of transaction and bank account no. from where the transaction was done. It may take 2-3 working days to confirm the transaction by reconciliation with the bank and so the candidates are advised not to wait till the last date for applying. Candidates are advised to check the daily transaction limit of their Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Internet Banking so that it does not create problems during Online Fee Payment of more than Rs 40,000. In case of an insufficient transaction limit, they may contact the concerned bank’s branch beforehand to raise the limit. Please do not pay for a second time instantly if your bank account has been debited but the receipt with “Success” status has not been generated due to some problem.